Ransomware malware threat has forced somebody for the terrible suicide and once again has marked its history by somebody’s blood. Sad, but it’s True! Joseph Edwards, a 17-year-old schoolboy from Windsor, Berkshire, hanged himself after receiving a bogus email appeared to be from police claiming that he'd been spotted browsing illegal websites and that a fine of 100 pound needed to be paid in order to stop the police from pursuing him. The scam email pushed the well-known Police Ransomware onto the boy’s laptop and also downloaded malware that locked up his system once it was opened. Edwards was an A-level student with Autism, a developmental disability, that likely made him more susceptible to believing the Internet scam mail, supposedly sent from from Cheshire police, was genuine, a coroner heard on Thursday. Edwards was so upset and depressed by the accusation and the extortionate demand that he hanged himself hours after falling victim to the crucial threat. He was found hange...